02 March 2010

Benchmark for DL Quality

Benchmarks for quality in distance learning include an instrument born of Community of Inquiry (COI). That's a general phrase to describe a style of inquiry but also a specific phrase on a website for communitiesofinquiry.com . The distance learning tool is the CoI Survey now being put to use at some of the larger online universities.

The survey is a 5-point Likert scale for use at the end of an online course. It seeks responses on three "essential" elements: Cognitive Presence, Social Presence, and Teaching Presence. Reliability and validity are reported in articles published on the web site. The instrument can be downloaded from the Survey web page.

© 2010 Mary Bold, PhD, CFLE. Email contact: bold[AT]marybold.com. The content of this blog or related web sites created by Mary Bold (http://www.marybold.com/, http://www.boldproductions.com/, College Intern Blog) is not under any circumstances to be regarded as legal or professional advice. Bold is the co-author of Reflections: Preparing for your Practicum or Internship, geared to college interns in the child, education, and family fields. She is a consultant and speaker on assessment, distance learning, and technology.

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