29 July 2010

Tech note: Apps for tiny devices

The actual apps are so varied that it's hard to take in the whole and plan use in higher ed. But there's no doubt that Apple's app library is being accessed by faculty (K-12, too) for either assignments or tools. The key word is library--Apple's apps are broadly organized and we'll soon see a convergence: everything we learned in building learning object repositories and everything we are now learning about cross-platform applications. Emphasis is on apps that fit on tiny devices.

For a broad view, visit Apple's web page on education apps. Top of page has links by subject; below that are links by function.

© 2010 Mary Bold, PhD, CFLE. Email contact: bold[AT]marybold.com. The content of this blog or related web sites created by Mary Bold (http://www.marybold.com/, http://www.boldproductions.com/, College Intern Blog) is not under any circumstances to be regarded as legal or professional advice. Bold is the co-author of Reflections: Preparing for your Practicum or Internship, geared to college interns in the child, education, and family fields. She is a consultant and speaker on assessment, distance learning, and technology.

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