18 September 2008

Internet Resource: Turning the Pages

The British Library collection called Turning the Pages places historical texts online in a fashion that does justice to the old books as well as to the technology. The short list of texts: Sketches by Leonardo (his personal notebook), the Diamond Sutra (oldest printed book dated 868), first atlas of Europe (Mercator in the 1570s), Jane Austen's History of England.

The hyperlink above is a preferred starting point that explains options according to your computer and operating system. The fast way to find your version is simply to click on a book title and see what will load. If you have problems, then delve into the small print to identify your PC or Mac using Shockwave plug-in, Mac OS X alternative download, or version 2.0 for Microsoft Vista and Windows XP.NET 3 framework.

Controls across the bottom of the interface open a Help screen that explains all functions; for some books, a hyperlinking list of Contents; Text for translation; Notes for explanation; Audio; and Magnify. (Some books have more controls than others.)

Less animation but the same text, enlargements, and some audio: If you cannot install the Shockwave plug-in or you need a more accessible page, the Library also provides on a set of pages with static images.

© 2008 Mary Bold, PhD, CFLE. The content of this blog or related web sites created by Mary Bold (www.marybold.com, www.boldproductions.com, College Intern Blog) is not under any circumstances to be regarded as legal or professional advice. Bold is the co-author of Reflections: Preparing for your Practicum or Internship, geared to college interns in the child, education, and family fields. She is a consultant and speaker on assessment, distance learning, and technology.

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